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Steel Backdate Conversion Turn Signal Boxes

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Steel Backdate Conversion Turn Signal Boxes


For those people wanting to back date their 1974-1989 fenders, this weld on steel conversion is for you , After some small modifications (see pictures for where these need to be modified), the fit is good.

NOTE: These can be used for either standard, turbo width , or ST flare type conversions . The cars with wider than standard fenders will need custom filler pieces made to follow the curve of the wider flares. We do NOT have turbo width or ST width ready to weld conversion boxes

When backdating the 74-94 front fenders to the earlier 1969-73 style. Note the modifications that are needed for a better fit. The fenders' lower edge has to be cut, the new pieces overlapped, then fit to modify. Though we have communicated with the manufacturer about this problem, they will not make the needed mods in house for a easier installation. For the time being this is the best option out there. As you can see from the pictures the turn signal assemblies fit very well after the modifications to the steel units.

The pictures show how the lamps and grills would fit. Cost is for the pair of metal boxes only. Lamps, lenses, and grills are all sold separately

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